Well, you know how it is - you see something new and shiny (in this case jamesandthebluecat) - and you think "I want one!" with nary a thought as to what you'll do with it afterwards. Admittedly, this impulsive behaviour probably has fewer repercussions with a blog than, say, an armoured tank or a cheetah (and I wouldn't say no to those either), but the fact remains I'm now responsible for this new baby and must therefore think of something to say...
Perhaps I should start with "gi's a job, guv'nor"? Currently looking you see, having just finished the world's most pointless temping assignment. Money for nothing, literally, for a large percentage of three weeks. Still, gave me a chance to catch up on article notes for forthcoming issues of Dragonswood magazine - check out our website and forums here: Dragonswood
Of course, now I actually have the time off, I can sit down and turn the notes into a proper, structured, well thought-out article. Which is probably why instead I've spent the day cleaning, hoovering, tidying - I've even washed the kitchen bin. Hmmn, that oven could probably do with a scrub too...