Hilaria - a festival of joy celebrated annually in ancient Rome on this date after the vernal equinox*. Festivities closed with a ceremony of washing believed to promote fertility. This event turns out to be tripley pertinent to today, as:
- Spring has arrived in the garden: my first daffodil is out, and there are primroses in the lawn;
- Going out to dinner tonight, thereby covering the no doubt obligatory carousing parts of the festival;
- Bought a shiny new Big Blue Beast of a vacuum cleaner. This may not sound exciting, but when you've had a crappy little cylinder affair for years, and no bags for it for months, hoovering suddenly becomes fun and I can see the colour of the carpet again. Got so overenthusiastic I mopped the kitchen floor an' all. Phew.
* Everyday Wicca, Gerina Dunwich
'hoovering suddenly becomes fun'.
If you want some more fun, you're welcome to pop over here with your shiny blue thing.
And to my place too - doe sit work on floorboards?
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