Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Loose Change

Went into the shop at work and, of the five and ten pound notes in my wallet, decided to pay with the fiver. Duly handed over the note, and was given change for a tenner. Pointed this out to the chap, who laughed, and said I was very honest, and it must have been because people had been giving him tenners all morning, and took back the balance.

Left the shop, looked in my wallet, and, you've guessed it, I HAD actually handed over the f*@#%*g ten pounds. Far, far too embarrassed to go back and say so. And I didn't get ANYTHING out of it, as I was shopping for someone else, who, after asking if I'd be passing, promptly handed me a written list* of items. Who knew doing a favour would work out so expensive...

Considered shouting "I'm sick of you taking advantage of me just because I haven't got any breasts" but was faced with the sad liklihood of no-one having a clue what I was talking about and looking at me strangely. Not an infrequent occurrence, it has to be said.


At 7:47 pm , Blogger Matt said...

shit bags! that's not so good.

At least you didn't have a £20 on you!

At 8:12 am , Blogger Dave said...

I know what you're talking about. Do you look like her? She's the one member of that office team I fancy.

At 11:13 am , Blogger Izzy said...

There's a pic of me on the post for December 11, 2004...

At 11:26 am , Blogger Dave said...

So there is.

Sorry. Shouldn't make suggestive remarks on young ladies' blogs.

At 12:52 pm , Blogger Izzy said...

suggestive remarks always welcome here!

At 1:36 pm , Blogger Dave said...

Oh well, in that case, you look even more attractive than the person about whom we were talking. You don't have a pencil skirt, do you?

At 8:03 pm , Blogger The Book Fiend said...

You're a bit of a numpty aren't you? LOL! Sounds like you got a case of Kell-itis that day...


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